Friday, April 3, 2009


this iS my VEGA troPa!!

a frienD who reaLly aCcepts everY paRt of yoUr indiFferences!!

thAnk you so muCh for aCcepting me of wHo anD wHat i reaLly aM!!

loVe yoU!!

(frOm youR righT) bEAtricE, paTrick brYAn, ME, lEizLe, cHarmaIne joyCe, cHristinE janE, brYL, roY!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Who I Want to Meet?

My guy is outgoing
doesn't give a rip what people think of him
loves me for me
looks don't matter
funny always keeps me laughing
cheers me up when I am down
about a foot taller than me he is like 6ft lol (I love that)
has a great personalty
knows how to treat a young lady
not too messy a little mess is ok but not too much
has a neat apartment
loves me even when I look my worst
knows me like the back of his hand
Romantic - he holds me like all the time
shy a bit, yet totally fun
taller than me a must
someone like mr.darcy in the end of pride and prejuice
totally devoted to God-more than me
will wait for sex till honey moon
classical romantic
doesn't date for ever then dump but rather friends for a long time, then court for a short time, then marry for the longest time

nice to family
i like his family
nicest smile
kinda corny
i must be able to have a logical conversation with him-not just "i love you" "no, i love you" blah blah blah etc
not too clingy, but definatly romantic
in good shape-not like olympics, but not a counch potato
loves the outdoors
loves kids
loves animals-but not to the point where he has a pet store or anything just like one dog or two, so make that like


I’m a person whose family is known to be devoted in Christian life, who attends a devotional worship every Sunday, and a very cooperative and supportive in any activities with in the church. I know God since when I entered nursery, I enrolled at Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines (CAMACOP), but I can’t say that I am devoted compared to my parents. Actually, I can say to my self; why should I always follow my parent’s steps? Would I be happy if I follow my own will to take a ride in earthly journey? In these questions of mine I’d follow the second query, which makes my life miserable. Lots of trials happened to my family, and these things made me come closer to God and hold on. I’ll share to you the most miraculous deed that God showed to me that even I didn’t follow His will, but He stills open His arm for me to come back in His presence. January 2009, my sister Johanna was in a critical condition or we called it 50-50. This sister of mine is my best friend. Her condition is that, without knowing that the 3 months baby inside her womb is dead, and she was poisoned. I was very worried, I don’t know what to do, I just cry and cry, but my father tapped me and smile, he said “nak, ayaw na sige ug hilak, magtrust ta ky God, sige na nak, ayaw kaulaw sa iya kay dawaton man gihapon ta niya maski unsa kadako ato sala, pangayo lang ug pasaylo sa iya”, then he hug me tightly. I realized how God is very grateful to my life even though I disobeyed him, how much more if I going to change my life and offer my life to Him. Then I prayed, after I’d pray my mother told me that my sister is now okay and she was in the recovery room, I looked at the window and my sister look at me and smile, my tears fall down and smile. That was the experience that really changes my life. And I declare that God is very faithful to my life.

We all know that earthly things can give us happiness, but that happiness that we’ve experience is just for a short moment, unlike serving and following His will can give us an unending happiness and lead us to everlasting life.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Telltale Signs That He's Ready to Marry You - Relationship Tips For Women

Wouldn't life be much easier if men just came right out and said what they were thinking and feeling? They often do but when it comes to relationships, many men just don't wear their hearts on their sleeves. If you're in a dating relationship that you'd like to see turn into a marital relationship, you're obviously going to want your man to feel the same way. If he's not sharing openly what he's feeling, there's still a way for you to tell. There are several signs that he's ready to marry you that will help you see where exactly he is at in terms of a more serious commitment.

One of the most obvious signs that he's ready to marry you is that he starts talking about the future in terms of you two as a couple as opposed him by himself. Consider how often he says things like "we" or "us" and how many times a day he's using the words "me" or "I". When a man is marriage minded he starts talking about the two of you as a couple. He may say things about what you two will be doing years from now or the children you two will have together. A man who wants to get married starts to think that way.

If he suddenly seems more concerned with money matters that's a plus for you. One of the signs that he's ready to marry you is that he'll want to provide for you and the future family you two will be raising. If a man becomes obsessed with retirement savings, and mortgage rates, he's got a more serious commitment in mind. Men who are still thinking about being single tend to worry more about what they can buy in the moment versus how they can best spend their money to help you two as a couple.

There are specific things that any woman can say and do that will make her men want to commit to her. If you believe that he is the man you are destined to be with there are things you can do right now that will make him feel exactly the same way about you. For more insight into how to get your man to commit to you, visit this Helpful Site!

You don't have to wait for him to decide whether or not he's ready to commit to you. If you are tired of putting your dreams on hold because he's commitment phobic, there are things you can do to make him want to marry you now. Learn right now what you need to do to make him fall to his knees and beg you to marry him.

How to Find a 'Friends With Benefits' Relationship?

Let's face it - not everyone has time for dating or maintaining a serious relationship. Serious relationships take hard work, and even then they can end far too easily. Dating is expensive, time consuming and can be entirely fruitless - a lot of smoke and just not too much fire. So what can you do in the meantime to have a little fun without risking a huge commitment? Easy - find and start a friends with benefits relationship.

What, exactly, does it mean to be friends with benefits? Simply put, that's a relationship where two people are close friends, but have no interest in dating one another and are not attached to anybody else.

Because a commitment is not desired, they're able to enjoy the physical parts of a relationship without all of the strings that typically come attached. Good friends are understanding of each others needs and so can satisfy them without any guilt or hard feelings.

So how can you go about finding a woman like this? Well, the first thing you need is a close friend that you feel very comfortable with and are physically attracted to.

You need to make sure that they are not currently involved in any other relationship or will not easily fall for you if you were to start a physical relationship. You can begin trying to find out their thoughts on becoming friends with benefits by joking around in a safe and secure setting. You may be surprised at how many people really are open to this kind of arrangement.

If they seem offended, walk away. It's not worth ruining a friendship over and there are other fish in the see. But if they seem into the idea, it's time to go to the next level: making sure they're serious. That's right - it's important to make sure they're serious about not being serious and that this is actually going to be a reality. Discuss it hypothetically and really get a grasp of their thoughts. Alcohol doesn't hurt in this setting - it will loosen both of you up so that you can have a completely honest discussion.

After that, if you're both on the same page, it's time to get things going. This is another occasion where going out for a drink could help. The more relaxed you are, the more fun you'll get to have together. Before you know it, you'll both be satisfied.

Going forward, it's important not to force any kind of schedule or routine on your friend - that hits too close to being a relationship. Instead, friends with benefits relationship are casual in nature and things will simply happen when they happen. When not focused on the physical part of your friendship, make sure to stay close in other ways so you don't lose this person in your life.

Whether you stay friends with benefits for years, or move on, or even go into a relationship, you can find true enjoyment and pleasure with someone who won't attach any stings.