Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why is it that girls will try to be near boys they like a lot but boys will try to avoid girls they like?

It's called "inexperience." Most young boys can be very shy and they don't want to be teased by their buddies. If the guy is a teenager this can still happen. I think we've all experienced when we were younger that a boy who may have slugged you on the arm, stuck his tongue out at you or made a face is (without realizing it) covering up his true feelings towards you. With teenagers they are in full sexual bloom and can be wild, want to taste life and not ready to settle down anytime soon. Eventually they turn into men and I'd love to say that all boys mature and their feelings for women change, but some (and I only mean a very few) never grow up (this includes some women).

1.I am a guy and I do understand the feelings of those freshman love years. I'll give two reasons why this may happen. 1. Guys are very direct in expressing their feelings and girls are too playful as well as talkative. 2. Some boys try to avoid the drama until they are sure of things.

2.The question of "What if I make the wrong move and she backs off?" - fear for sure.

3.I'm a girl and I often avoid boys because I don't want them to know I have feelings about them, even if they feel the same way. Also, boys are too childish to tell people their real feeling like saying "That girl's cute." but a girl would tell her friends that she thinks some boy is cute and hot.

4.They fear rejection. Like the answer above, they are not experienced when it comes to love so the feelings they're having are new to them. They also fear that they will be made fun of by their guy friends if they admit.

5.I'm a 14 year old guy and I'm very shy. But I take every chance I can get to be near the person I like, even if I don't talk to her, I still like to be near her and smell her. I even rub against her in a crowd and pretend that I didn't mean to or she just doesn't notice. So if I'm the average guy, it's not true that they don't want to be near the person they like. Well my Social Studies teacher says it as "were stupid beings" he's right in a way as rejection or no approach, no plan or plain old shy. So I guess girls don't think it's as big of a thing as boys... if you are young. I actually try to avoid her lately because I'm fairly sure she liked me before, but I totally missed all the signals and just left her hanging so I think she doesn't like me anymore.

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